What is a biometric system and how does it work?

What is a biometric system and how does it work?

Biometrics technologies(Biometric security system) use precise measurements of the human body as an identification tool, such as fingerprints, biological tissues for DNA analysis or facial characteristics for digitization and encryption schemes in combination with mathematical algorithms called ciphers. A biometric system, therefore, perceives the human body and counts its individual characteristics or devices (styli) as a single ten number code.

Among biometrics alternatives facial recognition is considered to be of interest for several reasons: First , because it can comply with expectations about identification methods . The panel has become more aware that most members of the public already have an idea how someone looks ; Second , cameras can see one’s face (respectively the eyes, ears and mouth) .

These camera-equipped mobile phones are fast becoming more widespread among smartphones , making facial recognition easy to implement with cameras available on many models ;

Thirdly software can recognize faces. Many applications such as Google Photos offer a way of keeping photos organized according ​​to your preferred criteria by recognizing the persons in them; Fourth , it is low cost (thus secure ) compared to other biometric systems like iris recognition , fingerprint or voice recognition. MRA – E SECURITY Services deals with the latest biometric systems.

Biometric identification systems are most often used in conjunction with the personalization of an online service (mainly taking a photo or applying a signature). They may also be embedded in protect hardware components . For example, optical irises that correspond to banknote printing machines can only be appreciated if one is equipped with high definition cameras; and finally biometrics may enable companies to differentiate their services from those of competitors .  

Biometric systems are mostly based on the recognition of fingerprints , iris scans, voice recordings and facial expressions and almost always need to provide an authentication mechanism allowing a customer to trust that data has been collected correctly.
Planned biometrics include early-warning system against identity theft using “voiceprint” inside currency notes in Europe or fingerprint scanners integrated into accessible environments like airports; but these implementations may be challenging as they require convincing customers about the usefulness and safety of biometric techniques.

Optical scans (iris scanners used in Europe) are becoming popular, allowing authentication without adding additional cables or components to the machine’s hardware. The implementation benefit is that no additional equipment is needed so they can be implemented very simply in pockets or other places where existing systems will not function; but it also requires a high resolution camera at point-of-sale terminals , wallets with app integration to secure payments and public applications for convenience when making purchases.

There may be additional challenges in fingerprint recognition , since it is increasingly used to verify work authorization among other things, raising the possibility of errors such as those that were recently reported involving certain governmental agencies’ fingerprint databases .   

Types of Biometric Systems or Biometric Security Systems

Two main types of biometrics are currently commonly used with customers (and businesses) being enrolled; and enrollment processes themselves often distinguishing between two sub-classes. The first one is the one that collects and produces an image of a physical feature like fingerprint, iris or face from which an expression may be generated .

This can also allow for state-of-the art improved authentication; however it requires certain technical skills to collect these images because biometrics technologies are not always used in easy accessible ways (they do require expertise needed to train employees).

The second type is based on mathematical characteristics imprinted through time by someone and currently involves personal identifiers previously used to keep track of systems and information in mobile devices, but with very varied business apps as well. The most important feature of this is that it can be implemented without significant additional hardware or deployment costs compared to the first type; although new methods may appear related thereto (the “classic” method whose process has never been freeze-dried so far).

It should also be mentioned that some types allow more elaborate authentication.

What are the benefits of using facial recognition software at my workplace?

To introduce the two aforementioned biometrics and to explain their merits, we must highlight upfront that they are a kind of technology specialized in overall reduction on different sets achieving accurate results every time. These include security risks that arise because someone can feel it being his right to collect information about others just by showing them something (like photographs, drawings or even names); although there have been supposed controversies regarding this issue as well including related cases such as those involving such as Facebook, where the discussion of privacy is still a controversial matter that has not been analyzed properly by each side.

However when it comes to facial recognition being correctly used in any environment with relatively low risk , since ever since its invention which began 15 years ago through early stages at most in Europe and Asia; we must highlight one important fact: If a good system can be deployed for identification purposes on employees automatically without significant training (a man who represents the company under normal circumstances like a secretary is still an effective option); then its advantages are direct, clear and obvious.

Because of the high accuracy achieved in identifying people; it also serves to observe at all times who enters or leaves your premises. The best opportunity for employers can be if they can identify their employees on photos of passport including biometrics so that way everything will be more secure from any criminal act exploiting laziness , drink or drugs (in order for employees to access a place, since we are talking about security which includes safeguarding privacy; an employee should have his photo taken each time before entering the premises).

After that he will automatically be granted with their card and the only thing they would need is just to swipe it at work so let’s not underestimate this point.

For these factors I see no problems whatsoever in making use of face recognition system for identification purposes on employees who are pre-identified without any questioning or doubt.

Security Standards for Biometric Systems(Biometric Security Systems)

For some countries in the world, there are already set standards for biometric fare to use in their specific Biometric security system. For example:

– The Taiwan Civil Security Bureau (CISB) has drafted a national standard that specifies rules and regulations on the implementation of biometric technologies. This regulation is called “RULES FOR WORKING WITH BIOMETRIC DATA.” Technically, this organization makes sure that each trustworthy software program can be installed without any charges or restriction in Taiwan. Even both the minister and his sub-secretary have signed this statement.

There is also International Standard ISO/IEC 180018 for Biometric security system which had been agreed upon by more than a hundred countries (at least 12 of which are major). They call to build up international standards for the use of biometrics in security systems, where each country must give certain directions on how they may appear through their respective laws . From this they hear, each country just needs to make sure that their citizens are allowed access to these systems and that it is not against their own laws.

The above standards do not completely implement various checkpoints so there may still be some difficulties in the end result if we consider a worldwide scale but I believe it’s adequate because Security wants comprehensive progress on Biometric Systems and will allow us as “Biometrics System Developmenters” evolve along time.

Blog Conclusion: 
Biometric systems are a mandatory choice for all those who want to make sure that their data is protected. Biometric systems have been adopted by companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft. They have also been implemented in government agencies and banks. You will soon be able to use them in your day-to-day life; for example, if you travel with a laptop, the biometric system will know who you are without having to log in each time you access the computer. In addition, it is more secure than passwords or PINs and much faster than typing your password every time.

Disclaimer: This page was developed by Asrithwebs and published by MRA E-Security for informational purpose only. The content in this page may vary or get updated by time, this blog/article should not be a substitute for final decision/idea. Please consult a person from MRA E-Security for more information.